Freedom Of Movement With Urban Sports: Parkour For A Better Quality Of Life At A Physical, Mental And Social Level In The Youth Population

Libertad de Movimiento con Deportes Urbanos: Parkour Para Mejorar La Calidad De Vida A Nivel Físico, Mental Y Social En La Poblacion Juvenil

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Luz Marina Chalapud Narváez
Ana María Rosero Cuevas

Parkour is a discipline that came together with its extreme sport experience to provide a philosophy of life that encourages a holistic approach to life. overcoming urban obstacles efficiently and fluidly, surprising with the use of the body and fostering creativity and problem-solving skills. It originated on the streets of France and has since spread worldwide among young people. Using the body in unexpected ways and encouraging creativity and problem solving, parkour involves overcoming obstacles in cities efficiently and fluidly. Improving cardiovascular endurance, strengthening functional muscle strength, forging meaningful social relationships and a sense of belonging, expressing strong emotions and constant challenges, enhancing self-expression and individuality are some of the benefits of Parkour.  By helping young people overcome obstacles both on the street and in their personal lives, parkour is a discipline that can offer a unique perspective on life in the 21st century.



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