The school environmental project - PRAE as a contribution to the socio-environmental culture of the Megacolegio La Frontera of the Municipality of Villa Del Rosario Norte de Santander.
Proyecto ambiental escolar- PRAE como contribución a la cultura socio-ambiental del Megacolegio La Frontera del Municipio de Villa del Rosario Norte de Santander
Main Article Content
Introduction: This research seeks to contribute to the construction of socio-environmental culture from the perspective of the PRAE of the Megacolegio La Frontera de Villa del Rosario through a multimedia strategy that allows to dynamize its integral formation. Research question: Is there Articulation of the PRAE with the PEI of the Educational Institution or is it isolated? What are the potentialities or strengths of the PRAE, in relation to the problems of the locality? Objective: i) To contribute to the construction of socio-environmental culture from social communication in perspective of the School Environmental Project-PRAE of the Megacolegio La Frontera de Villa del Rosario through a multimedia strategy that allows to dynamize its integral formation. Methodology: For this research a qualitative approach was carried out since the objective is to contribute to the construction of socio-environmental culture from social communication in perspective of the PRAE of the Megacolegio La Frontera de Villa del Rosario through a multimedia strategy that allows to dynamize its integral formation. Results: The methodological results expose the realization of the objectives to an affected population, from the socio-cultural spheres in such a way that it allowed to determine the causes, the advances and the scope on the study area. Conclusions: The potentialities and weaknesses of the PRAE are identified, the weaknesses and environmental potentialities leave a positive and negative impact of them not only on natural systems, but also on social systems.
Article Details
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