On the exponential growth of infections during the first epidemiological wave of Covid-19 in China and Japan

Sobre el crecimiento exponencial de contagios durante la primera ola epidemiológica de Covid-19 en China y Japón

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The public health crisis generated by the COVD-19 pandemic spread and affected the entire world, regardless of the economic situation of nations. China and Japan were among the first countries to be affected by the pandemic; however, they were characterized by successfully managing the first epidemiological wave of daily reported COVD-19 cases. Despite this, by applying the Malthus model and using deterministic and statistical methods, 2 and 4 periods of exponential growth were identified, respectively. In this sense, this article compares the epidemiological waves of the two Asian countries, and determines the possible factors generating these periods. The sudden appearance of the SARS-CoV-2 virus together with late decision making were the main factors associated with the periods found.



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