Pensamiento matemático elemental y avanzado como actividad humana en permanente evolución
Pensamiento matemático elemental y avanzado como actividad humana en permanente evolución
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The objective of this text is to present a reflection and analysis about the processes in the development of fundamental and advanced mathematical thinking as a human activity. Traditionally, mathematics education has had two barriers to overcome: First, advanced mathematical thinking is only shown at a determined age and therefore it must be addressed in university level courses. Second, the teachers of this discipline regularly introduce mathematics to students as a body of complete and irrefutable knowledge shared by a scientific community. The task of the student is to learn it, do demonstrations and reproduce this knowledge in a given period of time. Mathematical entities or objects that in occasions have taken centuries to build. In contrast with the true sense of education of this discipline that must be to empower in the students the development of mathematical thinking.
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