Comprensión didáctica del currículo como espacio público

Comprensión didáctica del currículo como espacio público

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Betsi Fernández

The present study, referred to the curricular dynamics of the XXI century in the Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (UPEL), in Venezuela, has the purpose of generating criteria for the didactic and contextual understanding of the curriculum as a public space in the institution as a contribution to integral management of the formative process of citizens, professionals and researchers and the distribution of power in the construction of the curricular design of the teaching career and related areas with a social, cultural, historical and ethical sense. The specific purposes have been: (a) to understand the curricular knowledge as intellectual production conditioned by the social context and the historical moment that UPEL lives, (b) to describe the process of legitimization of the curricular discourse when conceiving the curriculum as a public space, from the debate of the ideas and the contextual values present in the UPEL. The research is framed in the naturalist paradigm, under a qualitative approach, in a field, descriptive and documentary research modality. The interview and the content analysis are used as techniques and the interview script and the content analysis matrix as instruments. The results are analyzed qualitatively, applying the triangulation of sources to generate the guiding criteria for the didactic and contextual understanding of the curriculum as a public space, the product of research.




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