Precisiones conceptuales y procedimentales acerca de la proposición de aproximaciones teóricas en las tesis doctorales

Precisiones conceptuales y procedimentales acerca de la proposición de aproximaciones teóricas en las tesis doctorales

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Adrián Filiberto Contreras-Colmenares

The generation of theories in the social sciences from doctoral research is one of the aims of a new researcher. However, it is not the only task because it is about building unprecedented and novel knowledge about the phenomenon to which the researcher approaches. From this approach, with this type of research, you can also contrast theories, falsify them, refute them, or test them in specific research contexts. Now, as far as the elaboration of theories is concerned, it should be noted that there are degrees of theorization and to the extent that the information collected is being systematized, organized and structured, it will have the notation of being a theoretical approximation. The present study of theoretical nature, seeks to investigate the conceptual and procedural precisions for the proposition of theoretical approaches in the framework of qualitative research, of great tradition in the social sciences. The review allowed us to investigate the fact that the purification of information through a grouping criterion already constitutes a first level of theorization. From this fact and successively levels of theorization are becoming increasingly deeper, more rigorous, but always taking into account that a theoretical approach will be treated, since there will never be an explanation or understanding of the phenomenon studied as such. accuracy, no matter how hard it is tried, but it will be a representation; ergo, a theoretical approach.



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