La Construcción de ciudadanía en Colombia un hecho marcado por la violencia

La Construcción de ciudadanía en Colombia un hecho marcado por la violencia

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Sonia Verjel Sánchez
The following analysis raises how the construction of citizenship in Colombia has been permeated directly by violence. The concept of modern citizenship is related to Thomas Humphrey Marshall, this British sociologist pleads for a citizenship that in addition to deciphering in a possession of rights, does so also in terms of the incorporation of the subject as a full member of a society of equals. For Marshall, the citizenship is configured through a sequential development that starts with the development of civil citizenship, as a necessary but not sufficient condition for the subsequent development of political citizenship. The political constitutions adopted by Colombia, in its passage as a nation until now, have been woven around the axis of wars and violence, events that confirm the fact that in Colombia political rights were first acquired before civil
rights ( O’Donnell, 2001). The analysis of the study on the Report on the quality of citizenship and democracy in Colombia 2018 (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2018), reveals how citizenship in Colombia has been built on a weak institutional framework, with the presence of a prolonged armed conflict especially in rural areas and the association of politics with practices linked to corruption, clientelism and drug trafficking, denote the limited bonds of trust between citizens and the authorities


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