Universal protection of freedom of the press and freedom of expression: A constitutional right without guarantee?

La protección universal a la libertad de prensa y de expresión. ¿Un derecho constitucional sin garantía?

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Nicolás Enrique Guzmán Cartagena

Despite the constitutional mandate established in the first article of the Political constitution of Colombia, in the
country, the level of citizen participation in the construction of peace continues to be precarious, in that sense,
international law has played a decisive role marking those guidelines and guidelines on how to face situations
of extreme need in the culturization of certain behaviors alien to the good behavior of a society, was already
mentioned by the Israeli analyst Shlomo Ben Ami a few years ago "war is waged by warriors, peace is made by
society ”, We believe, like Professor Ami, that these construction spaces will take time in which progress will
be made in order to reach the same desire for a stable and lasting peace.
In this way, responding to international guidelines, the primary constituent heeded this call by establishing
in article 20 of the Political Constitution of Colombia the fundamental right "freedom of expression and
dissemination of thought", together with the provisions of article 74 in which establishes the inviolability of
professional secrecy, in this way, the massive dissemination of information of a fair, truthful and impartial
nature is considered a cornerstone, regardless of its name, as long as under certain characteristics there is no
apology for the crime or the commission of violations against recognized human rights.



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Página web

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https://www.misabogados.com.co/blog/quees- la-libertad-de-prensa#:~:text=La%20 libertad%20de%20prensa%20es,pueden%20 informar%20a%20la%20poblaci%C3%B3n.

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https://www.dejusticia.org/wp-content/u p l o a d s / 2 0 0 8 / 0 7 / G u % C 3 % A D a -pr%C3%A1ctica Cap%C3%ADtulo-I.pdf





• h t t p s : / / w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m /watch?v=pdIMhh2eiYo






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• h t t p s : / / r e p o s i t o r y. u c a t o l i c a . e d u . c o /bitstream/10983/23183/1/El%20derecho%20 a%20la%20libertad%20de%20prensa%20y%20de%20informaci%C3%B3n%20%286%29.pdf

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