“El Derecho al Olvido como Paradigma en el Rol Responsable de los Medios de Comunicación en Internet”

“El Derecho al Olvido como Paradigma en el Rol Responsable de los Medios de Comunicación en Internet”

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Pablo Ernesto Lévano-Véliz

The universal communication system through the Internet and the activity of search engines, leads us to the
relevance of the right to be forgotten as a new human right that arises to safeguard the right to free development
of the personality, since every human being has Right to live in social peace and well-being, without being
stigmatized by the Internet and search engines with the eternal circulation of information that is obsolete,
old, irrelevant, without public interest and ends up causing damage to honor, good name, personal and family
privacy of the ordinary citizen.
The presentation of the presentation is aimed at the media that use social networks as a platform, assume
the commitment not to collect and disclose obsolete, old information that is unimportant, which can be used
to disqualify any citizen a priori. In this sense, sanctions or all kinds of negative information about people
should not be permanent, so after a period of time a validity standard for the right to be forgotten would be
In that order of idea, the right to be forgotten represents a guarantee model for all information that circulates
through the media on the Internet, who with responsibility would assume the commitment to de-index the
information that proliferates on the network that harms free development and well-being of the person. In this
sense, freedom of expression cannot turn its back on the “digital draft” as the right of every citizen to have the
opportunity to develop by learning from the past and from human errors themselves.



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