La Gestión Escolar y su Relación con el Liderazgo para el Aprendizaje desde la Percepción del Director
La Gestión Escolar y su Relación con el Liderazgo para el Aprendizaje desde la Percepción del Director
Main Article Content
This study seeks to establish the relationships between school management and leadership for learning, based
on the role of leadership as an exercise in transformation towards the improvement of schools. All of these
from the perceptions of some principals of public schools in Bogotá.
Murillo (2006); Hallinger (1997); Leinthwood, (2006); Hopkins and Reynolds (2001); Garay and Uribe
(2010); Stoll and Temperley (2009), among others, formulate that the management of the direction plays a
relevant and primordial role in the school transformation. In addition to the previous ones, the OECD report
(2013), indicates that the administrative model of education must be linked to the pedagogical one since such
effort has a significant impact on student learning; In addition, principals who exercise positive pedagogical
management improve administrative management (Weinstein, 2009).
This research was carried out under the qualitative approach, following the phenomenological method,
using the semi-structured interview as a technique that was applied to four school directors from prominent
institutions in different locations in Bogotá. The systematization and analysis of the information was done
under the categorization and to validate it, it was triangulated with the field notes and the literature. As main
findings, a fragmented directive management in its conception as in its application is evidenced, as well as
an inadequate perspective on leadership for learning, based on the parameters and functions of the position,
established in the legal documents.
Article Details
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