Progressive return to on-site classes in post-pandemic times: the case of a Bachelor's program in Modern Languages at a Colombian Public University

Regreso progresivo a la presencialidad en tiempos de post-pandemia: el caso de un programa de Licenciatura en Lenguas Modernas de una Universidad Pública Colombiana

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Jacqueline García Botero
Jonathan Vela Saavedra
Jairo Andrés Sarmiento Giraldo

The objective of this qualitative case study was to describe the progressive return to face-to-face teaching from the point of view of the professors of a Bachelor program of Modern Languages. At first, there were investigated the methodological strategies and the physical and technological resources they used for the development of their classes; this, in the framework of a "new normality" that included biosafety protocols that changed the dynamics of the class - such as the case of the capacity allowed in classrooms and social distancing.- In a second moment, there were identified the attitudes and perceptions of professors regarding this progressive return, allowing a reflection on the teaching processes in times of health crisis. The results found show the "aula espejo" as a useful methodology to achieve learning results if the technological infrastructure necessary for its development is available. On the other hand, the "b-learning" methodology highlights important challenges for educators who, although highlighted its benefits, they position it as a very demanding strategy that requires careful design and organization to achieve the pedagogical objectives outlined. Regarding methodological strategies, group work continues to be one of the most used by foreign language teachers due to the importance of interaction in bilingual training processes. Finally, and highlighting the professors' perceptions, the return to the classroom represented a challenge that, although difficult, brought with it many lessons that had an impact on their teaching practice



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