Strategies and experiences of the training process for women creators of productive initiatives
Strategies and experiences of the training process for women creators of produc- tive initiatives. Estrategias y experiencias del proceso de formación de mujeres creadoras de iniciativas productivas
Main Article Content
Within the framework of the research and extension project, financed by the Research and Extension Revolving Fund of the Francisco de Paula Santander University (UFPS), entitled "Appropriation of ICT for the integral development of women in the urban area of the municipality of San José de Cúcuta", the UFPS and the Vive Digital Lab, in alliance with the governmental entities, developed the implementation of an inter-institutional strategy, based on the participatory action research method, with the active collaboration of the entities involved in the strategy, which benefited 492 women creators of productive initiatives to promote and transform their businesses. The conclusion is the need to follow up the digital transformation of the productive initiatives benefited and identify new training opportunities to continue expanding the digital skills of this population of women.
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