Educational transformations from alterity

Transformaciones educativas desde la alteridad

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Rodolfo Ballestas Camacho
Jesús Ernesto Urbina Cárdenas
Diana Carolina Velandia Suescun

Otherness as a research problem has been frequently addressed from a philosophical perspective by various authors, with Emanuel Levinas being the most significant among them. However, for the purposes of this research, theories of Otherness to be considered are those oriented towards a more practical vision. In this sense, some aspects of pedagogy related to Otherness from a noological foundation include allowing uninterrupted expression of students' opinions and promptly addressing their concerns, fostering communication that promotes cordiality and mutual understanding, as well as nurturing trust and sharing with the students.

In the análisis of this article, derived from an ongoing research within the framework of the doctoral thesis "Educational Transformations from Otherness in Primary Education at Claudia María Prada Ayala School in Times of Contingency", seeks to establish the relevance of the teacher training process in Otherness. This approach offers a way to rediscover educational practice, where both teachers and students enable a recognition of each other, fostering ruptures of alienating paradigms that reproduce colonizing knowledge, in favor of emergent thoughts centered on the liberation of the self in the other and with the other



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