Environmental education in Colombia: theoretical and pedagogical reflections for an understanding of environmental reality

Educación ambiental en Colombia: reflexiones teóricas y pedagógicas para una comprensión de la realidad ambiental

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Yurley Karime Hernández Peña
Samuel leonardo López Vargas
María Fernanda Gómez Bernal
Erika Alejandra Maldonado Estevez

The current document analyzes from theoretical and pedagogical postures, the relevance of the ecological dimension for the construction of environmental awareness of students and their communities, achieving evidence after a sweep of background, that environmental education in Colombia is considered as a space that allows students to understand their interdependent relationship with their ecological environment, therefore this paper aims to reflect on the importance of the ecological dimension in the formal education of students in Colombia for their development as eco-citizens, For this purpose, it is based on a qualitative approach and a hermeneutic method, thus examining theoretical and pedagogical perspectives on the subjectivities of the reality of the Colombian State in matters related to environmental education, establishing that educational institutions have the moral obligation to provide society with an integral education, with quality, innovative and transversal in its academic content, guaranteeing the teaching progress of students, through instruments and techniques that develop their research skills, this leads us to conclude that it is necessary for educational institutions to develop pedagogies that allow students to have a critical approach to nature for the construction of their own knowledge, addressing the complexity of their realities and developing appropriate means of resolution to their environmental problems, where the teacher becomes a guide on the path of teaching and not as the subject possessing the



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