The pedagogical practice of reading and writ-ing at UFPS from a teaching perspective

La práctica pedagógica de la Lectoescritura en la UFPS desde una perspectiva docente

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Leonardo Alexis Vera Romero
Erika Alejandra Maldonado Estévez

In order to carry out this study, twelve (12) professors who teach courses related to literacy and orality at the Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander partici-pated in a preparatory research. The objective was to characterize the professors who guide the reading and writing processes and at the same time, to know the opinion of the professors about their current pedagogical practices in those courses focused on communicative acts, specifically in reading and writing, dis-tributed in ten (10) categories: institutional environment, accompaniment, ap-proaches, texts used in their reading and writing exercises, evaluation of written production, methodological strategies, reading comprehension evaluation, rela-tionship with ICTs, evaluation of the ULISES reading and writing project and learning results. The research has a qualitative approach and an exploratory scope, taking into account the diverse points of view of the participants in the identification and recognition of pedagogical strategies at the moment of imple-menting reading and writing competencies. A first precedent on the subject of pedagogical practices in reading and writing on the part of the teachers was the project "ULISES: Strategy for strengthening competencies in critical reading and written communication" at the Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander (Villa-bona and Lizcano, 2019) in which a reflection was made and at the same time a curricular proposal was built around the reading and writing processes. Another antecedent is the results below the national
average in the Saber PRO tests in recent years, in terms of critical reading and written communication skills. The data were collected through a Likert scale type test, concluding that teachers are committed to support the growth of reading and writing skills, since they use a variety of procedures, strategies and textual typologies, concentrating particularly on the three competencies emphasized by the Saber Pro exams



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