La Understanding task-based learning and its implementation: a Public University case
Comprensión de la Metodología de trabajo por tareas y su implementación: el caso de una Universidad Pública
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This article derives from the research project “Evaluación del alcance de la competencia comunicativa en un programa de formación en lengua extranjero –inglés- en el Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano” subscribed to the Research Direction with code PCI19201. It presents the findings related to the results obtained from the evaluation of an English language acquisition program offered at a public higher education institution in Medellin, Colombia, when it comes to analysing the understanding of the teaching methodology used (Task-Based Learning) in terms of its principles, application and assessment. A mixed methods explanatory multiple case study was carried out and the data collection techniques included document analysis, online surveys, and interviews. Findings show that there is an overall comprehension of Task-Based Learning principles, application and assessment, however, there is a lack of clarity as to why using this methodology in this specific context, which in turns, reflects on unanswered questions when it comes to certain methodological issues of Task-Based Learning use itself within the classroom.
Article Details
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