The teaching and learning of literature in the age of ICTs

La enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la literatura en tiempos de las TIC

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Alexander León López Causado
Liris Munera Cavadía
Andrés Antonio Alarcón Lora

This article is the synthesis of a research work that focused on the disinterest towards the traditional methods of teaching and learning literature at the University of Cartagena. For this purpose, the use of technology was proposed, through the design of a website, exploring new and creative tools, which generated a different expectation towards literary work. Such a bet was possible through the observation of classes, interviews and surveys to teachers, administrators and students of the linguistics and literature program of the alma mater, obtaining favorable results, which made it viable to create this intervention proposal. This led to the conclusion that the udeceista community should not turn its back on technological advances and the development of society and include them, with the appropriate adjustments, in its research and academic plans. The article is divided into three essential moments: the first consists of a review of the legal literature that facilitates the use of technology in education and makes possible the statement of the problem, objectives and justification. The second shows the methodological route followed to carry out the design proposal, and the third shows the results, discussion and conclusion that supported this pedagogical initiative on the use of ICT to strengthen the knowledge of the literature



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