University Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development. A quantitative analysis of scientific production in Latin America (2016-2021).

Responsabilidad social universitaria y desarrollo sostenible. Un análisis cuantitativo de la producción científica en Latinoamérica (2016-2021)

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Hernando Augusto Meza Osorio
Luisa Stella Paz Montes
Oscar Jardey Suárez

A quantitative analysis of the scientific production on University Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development in Latin America was carried out to examine the key characteristics of the publications collected in the Scopus database over the period from 2016 to 2021. A total of 45 publications were detected, which were sorted and visualised using figures and graphs to classify the information based on criteria such as co-occurrence of words, year of publication, country of origin, area of knowledge and type of publication. After categorisation, a qualitative analysis was carried out to understand the perspectives of different authors on the subject. Among the most outstanding findings of this research, it was found that Brazil was the country with the highest contribution, with 14 publications. In addition, it was determined that the area of knowledge that contributed the most on the subject was the field of Social Sciences, which produced 30 documents in total. Finally, it was noted that the most common publication modality during the period studied was the article, representing 60% of the total scientific production.



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