Inequalities in higher education in the time of COVID-19

Desigualdades en la educación superior en tiempos de COVID-19

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César Augusto Hernández Suárez
Jenny Katherine Guevara Jiménez
Javier Rodríguez Moreno

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted worrying inequality gaps in higher education. This research set out to examine the magnitude and nature of these disparities in the pandemic context. The aim was to conduct a systematic review to understand the inequality gaps in higher education exacerbated by the pandemic. Using a qualitative approach, the research reviewed 806 articles registered in Scopus and WoS between 2020 and 2022, following the PRISMA approach. The search strategy was based on specific keywords such as "inequality gaps", "higher education" and "covid-19". To facilitate thematic interpretation, visualisation tools such as VOSviewer were used. This allowed us to analyse information collected from the databases and to highlight the predominant themes and approaches in the selected literature. After a rigorous selection and evaluation process, 21 articles were deemed sufficiently relevant. To analyse the results, the keyword co-occurrence technique, which identifies thematic connections and predominant approaches in the selected literature, was used. The results highlighted significant inequalities in access and adaptation to virtual education, especially among individuals from low socio-economic backgrounds. The pandemic has exacerbated educational inequalities, with a particular focus on Latin America. Digitisation of education has exposed and exacerbated existing gaps, underlining the need to address technology as well as digital skills and resource quality. It is imperative to re-evaluate and adjust education systems globally to address these inequalities. The current literature lays the groundwork for solutions that seek more equitable educational access. Virtual education, while offering solutions, also poses challenges. In Latin America and other regions, digital divides are only part of the problem. Not only technological access, but also digital skills and teacher training in digital pedagogy are needed to ensure quality education. Policies must address both technological barriers and broader inequalities to achieve inclusion in higher education.



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