Volitional factors of the street dweller in the border area.

Factores volicionales del habitante de calle en la zona fronteriza.

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Maria Alexandra Amaya-Mancilla
Viviana Karina Hernandez-Vergel
Claribeth Claro-Ascanio
Angy Rincón-González

Introduction: Currently, the growth of the population of homeless people in the city of Cúcuta is exacerbated due to the lack of interest on the part of public and private entities, who offer few preventive measures to address this problem. According to the Administrative Department National Statistics – DANE (1) In 2021, 6,248 street residents were registered in Cúcuta, with 87.6% men and 12.4% women. However, by 2022, this figure will skyrocket significantly, with at least 34,000 Colombian citizens living homeless in the city, not counting the migrants who are currently adding to this growing population. Objective: Determine the volitional factors that influence the occupational interest of street dwellers in the city of San José de Cúcuta. Materials and Methods: A quantitative methodology was used that involved data collection and analysis. For this, the evaluation instrument known as the Volitional Questionnaire (VQ) was used, which was administered to 46 street residents, both men and women, aged between 18 and 60 years. These individuals were selected from the population that lives on the streets of the city of San José de Cúcuta. The questionnaire allowed us to examine the motivation in the lives of the people surveyed. Consequently, the data were analyzed using Excel computer software and relationships were established between the dimensions of: exploration, competition and achievement, between the levels of functionality. Results: According to the VQ Volitional Questionnaire, it was identified that at the exploration level the indicator of involvement is highlighted where users manage to interact, demonstrating interest in the environment, allowing them to find meaningful activities that generate interesting environments. Likewise, it is possible to identify that within the level of competence a large percentage of the population demonstrates that they have functionality to adapt to the environment and respond to demands at both a personal and contextual level. Finally, at the level of achievement it shows that street dwellers require a minimum of support to remain during an activity of interest, this favors the maintenance and improvement of performance in the occupations of their daily lives. Conclusions: the research revealed that the traditional approach used to address this problem has focused on violent-aggressive behaviors that are very common in this type of population; among others, without considering the possible emotional, affective, economic, family, physical and gender deficiencies present in individuals.



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