Una alternativa educativa: los museos de ciencias

Una alternativa educativa: los museos de ciencias

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Henry De Jesus Gallardo-Pérez
Mawency Vergel-Ortega

The Interactive Center of Science and Technology Frontier of the University Francisco de Paula Santander is a science museum third generation that tends to promote a space that impulse the understanding of science and technology, fosters the dissemination of scientific and technological knowledge; shows the relationship between art, science and technology, and encourage the approach to the natural environment, scientific and social, as well as the development of activities that tend to enjoy intellectual and social sensitivity in the population of the metropolitan area of Cúcuta, Norte de Santander Department and the Border Region.

Like all science museums, the Interactive Center becomes an alternative informal education that supports the formal and non formal education, but their social role goes beyond providing an approach to knowledge, it also wants from the field visit museum, recreating visitors to reflect on their training and linkage to work and society. In that sense, this paper presents some reflections of the authors with reference to the role of science museums, and in particular the Centre UFPS Interactive, educational
alternatives in different learning scenarios to the classroom.



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Author Biographies (SEE)

Henry De Jesus Gallardo-Pérez, Universidad Francisco De Paula Santander

Profesor Departamento de Matemáticas y Estadística, Director Museo Interactivo de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Frontera.

Mawency Vergel-Ortega, Universidad Francisco De Paula Santander

Profesora y Directora del Departamento de Matemáticas y Estadística.

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