Regresión lineal de mínimos cuadrados para la carga y descarga de un condensador

Regresión lineal de mínimos cuadrados para la carga y descarga de un condensador

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José Libardo Santiago-Angarita
Olga Lucy Rincón-Leal

The objective is to determine experimentally S. Process Loading and unloading of un capacitor being connected in series with a resistor and a current source , using para This numerical methods in the process of adjustment curves Through linear regression Least Squares , with the help of mathematical software Matlab building the respective curves was performed.
A relationship between the voltage and time, thus forming exponential graph A is established; the relationships and the behavior of the phenomenon were deducted, given the equations and with the help of the Second Law of Kirchhoff; the Time constants were determined using the method of least squares linear regression, experimental errors UN meeting 5% with respect to the I Theoretical RC time constant.




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Author Biographies (SEE)

José Libardo Santiago-Angarita, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

Licenciado en Matemáticas y Física. Magister en Física. 

Olga Lucy Rincón-Leal, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

Magister en Educacion Matematica

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