De la gráfica a la ecuación, la articulación de los dos registros
De la gráfica a la ecuación, la articulación de los dos registros
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This article is the product of an exploratory study that considers as reference a pedagogical proposal that emerged as an alternative solution to the problems identified by a previous study carried out by a group of teachers doing research in Mathematics Education of the Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander ( UFPS) and that proposes to develop mathematical subjects from the graphical register and trying to articulate it with the algebraic register, that is to say, to perform the inverse process to the one that is traditionally done in the classroom. The work of Duval and Hitt, based on the records of semiotic representation and its incidence on the learning of mathematical concepts, in particular the concept of real function, is taken as a frame of reference. From the application of a questionnaire to a group of 109 students of the Faculty of Engineering are exposed some of the results on The articulation of the graphical representation to the algebraic.
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