Conceptions about evaluation practices among teachers of university nursing programs
Concepciones sobre las prácticas evaluativas entre docentes de programas universitarios de enfermería
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The understanding and execution of the evaluation process are related to teacher training and the guidelines followed in its professional practice. There are different theoretical stances surrounding the conception of the evaluative process, ranging from classical approaches to measurement, to modern pedagogical perspectives based on constructivism. In Nursing careers, as in most contemporary schools and colleges, the constructivist position has been selected as a model. However, teachers continue to apply the traditionalist approaches they have practiced throughout their professional careers. The present research forms part of the qualitative model, both descriptive and interpretive in nature. Said model proposed to analyze the main characteristics: concepts, approaches, forms of planning, instruments and methodologies adopted by nursing teachers during the evaluation process in order to establish a certain degree of coherence between the University’s pedagogical approach and the evaluation guidelines of the program. The analysis was carried out through open, axial and selective theoretical coding, which resulted in a referential category system. The information was triangulated on two planes: the first one being between the subjects themselves, seeking to understand the trends of the evaluative model of the proposed categories, and on the second plane, in contrast to the theoretical framework and contextual references. The results of the research revealed a trend towards behavioral and traditional evaluation respectively; the students hold the teacher responsible for this model choice as the teacher plays the main role in the evaluation process
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