Cooperación académica entre el sector productivo y las universidades: Una evaluación basada en las prácticas estudiantiles

Cooperación académica entre el sector productivo y las universidades: Una evaluación basada en las prácticas estudiantiles

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Édixon Chacón-Guerrero
Rolando Eslava-Zapata
Genny Chacón-Lobo
Hilário Alonso Gonzalez-Júnior
Mariana del Valle Buitrago-Rodríguez

This research describes the academic cooperation between the Regional Productive Sector and the National Experimental University of the Armed Forces (UNEFA) - Táchira - Venezuela, concerning the work experience placements of students in their final semester. The study is descriptive in nature, with a defined subject area, from which the information was directly collected from the reality under study. The population was composed of 368 UNEFA students with an internship contract, 29 tutors and 291 organizations under an agreement with UNEFA Táchira. From the student populations and organizations, representative samples were extracted through the finite population correction formula. A census study was also carried out with the academic tutors. For the collection of relevant information, three materials were designed: a questionnaire addressed to students, another to tutors and the final to the companies. In general, the results showed limited communication between the organizations of the regional productive sector and the UNEFA Táchira, the academic plans did not fulfill the current working realities and there is little integration between the productive sector and the university.



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