Correlation of diameter-height of trees at the Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander,Cúcuta

Correlación de diámetro-altura de árboles en la Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander,Cúcuta

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Alura Ginet Carreño Romero
Daniela Alejandra Mora Álvarez
Alejandra María Serpa Jiménez

In this article, a correlational study was carried out in order to analyze the normal diameter-total height relationship of the different tree species of the Francisco de Paula Santander University, Cúcuta headquarters. First, the data corresponding to normal diameter, total height and species were recorded. Then the species with more than eight individuals were identified for which the statistics were calculated: minimum and maximum values, arithmetic mean, variance and standard deviation. Next, the frequency of the intervals of both the normal diameter and the total height was determined. Subsequently, scatter diagrams were made and not only Pearson's linear correlation coefficient was calculated, but also the coefficient of determination, prediction error, hypothesis testing, and interpretation of the linear correlation coefficient. The results obtained indicated that the majority of individuals were found in the first two intervals of normal diameter, that is, smaller; on the other hand, most of the trees are found distributed in the first three intervals. It should also be mentioned that the variability of the data is shown, as well as the correlation between normal diameter and total height. In addition, the highest correlation coefficient was obtained by Palma Real, while the lowest was from Mamón. As a conclusion, it was obtained that the growth of the trees is subject to the relationship of the dasometric variables in addition to the environment in which they develop.




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