Relationship between learning styles And Academic Performance Of Students in the psychology program from first to fourth semester of A private University in Cúcuta.

Relación entre estilos de aprendizaje y el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes del programa de psicología de primero a cuarto semestre de una universidad privada de Cúcuta

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María Luisa Salazar Gamboa
Astrid Carolina Rozo Sánchez
Gloria Silva Monsalve
Leonardo Becerra Millán
Tatiana Marín Avellaneda

The main objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between learning styles and academic performance of 76 psychology students from first to fourth semester of the private University of Cúcuta. For this research a quantitative approach was implemented with a non-experimental cross-sectional design, a stratified random sampling with proportional allocation was used. The CAMEA40 questionnaire was used to evaluate learning styles and the academic records of students' grades to measure academic performance. The results show that the reflective and theoretical learning styles predominate in the students with mean scores of 34.4769 and 33.5538 in comparison with the other AE.



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