Creative writing: significant experiences and trends in textual production

Escritura creativa: experiencias significativas y tendencias en producción textual

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Surgei Bolivia Caicedo Villamizar
Leydi Lorena Vásquez Ruiz
Yovanni Alexander Ruiz Morales

This qualitative study with a phenomenological-hermeneutic approach aims to promote creative writing by associating significant experiences and trends in written production in secondary education. A focus group was used with 25 such as participants, they were active actors in training and producing text. The results focused on the organizational immersion in creative writing in phase I, and in the phase II the structure of the eighth dimension of Kike Maillo was applied. The relevant Findings in the execution process during two years of work in the classroom were the performance of reading comprehension activities, firstly, 25 books were read per year and training was given on how to start the creative writing processes in the tenth grades. These activities were binding and dialogic between peers to systematize collaborative learning during medium, short, and long-term periods. One of the most concrete significant experiences was the written production of 20 stories with diverse themes where spiral narratives were used. All of this was the result of recognizing the written and imaginary production trends that focus on subjective actions and situations involving fictitious realities that are dynamic in social contexts. The conclusions focused on the experiences that each participant producer has had during their daily lives, this has contributed significantly to the textual production, since it is a source of inspiration to start activities that attract attention and common interest. of the students that strengthen the addressed competence.



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