Odología y entornos virtuales: Reflexiones sobre la reconfiguración espacio – territorial en el aislamiento social

Odology and virtual environments: Reflections on spatial-territorial reconfiguration in social isolation

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Antonio José Vélez Melo
Alejandra Patiño Jimenes
Félix Joaquín Lozano Cárdenas

The article presents the reflections and results of the investigative exercise carried out during the year 2020 on Odology, the study of routes and flows from architecture and anatomy, referring to Hodos, a Greek notion alluding to the path and movement itself physically disrupted due to the compulsory social isolation experienced in our country and in the world in the year 2020, which led to the establishment of new forms of relationship based on the movement and journey of an environment that ostensibly accentuated its presence: the virtual space. The research team, made up of professionals from the field of Social Communication and Education, describe the methodology used in the development of the exercise, from a qualitative approach to Urban Imaginaries proposed by Armando Silva, taking two Case Studies (CA) from the corpus. formed, to conclude with the analysis derived from the illustrations and visual texts designed by the participants from the communicative content disseminated around the theme of the present investigation referred to describing the imaginaries of the university academic space of students assigned to the research chair in Armenian universities before and during the social isolation decreed by the national government of Colombia.





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