Factores subyacentes en las actitudes de los estudiantes hacia las matemáticas: un análisis factorial y sus implicaciones educativas

Underlying Factors in Students' Attitudes Towards Mathematics: A Factor Analysis and Its Educational Implications

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César Augusto Hernández Suárez
Gerson Adriano Rincón Álvarez
Raquel Fernández Cézar

Attitudes towards mathematics influence student performance and subsequent choices in scientific studies, necessitating their in-depth understanding. These attitudes can be influenced by various factors and are not limited solely to the understanding of mathematical concepts; they are also shaped by internal and external factors. Therefore, this study aims to analyse students' attitudes in relation to mathematics, as well as the existence of possible underlying factors of these attitudes. An exploratory investigation has been conducted using a sample of students from basic and secondary education institutions, which range from the fourth to the eleventh grade, in municipalities of the metropolitan area of Cúcuta, Colombia. An instrument consisting of 14 items was administered in printed format. With the participants' responses, an exploratory and confirmatory factorial analysis was performed with a good fit to a two-factor model. The first factor is linked to elements such as commitment and the perception of the teacher's role in mathematics learning. The second factor is associated with elements such as self-perception and perception of the mathematical context. These results are consistent with previous research, highlighting the multifaceted nature of attitudes towards this discipline. The analysis emphasizes that a positive relationship with the teacher and favourable self-perception are essential elements to promote positive attitudes. These aspects could be considered when designing future pedagogical interventions. The study provides a multidimensional perspective on attitudes towards mathematics, laying the groundwork for future research. It is essential to explore how these identified factors can influence and optimize students' educational experience in mathematics



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