Los procesos cognitivos en la resolución de problemas clásicos de máximos y mínimos en estudiantes de ingeniería Civil de la universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
Los procesos cognitivos en la resolución de problemas clásicos de máximos y mínimos en estudiantes de ingeniería Civil de la universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
Main Article Content
The intention of the investigation was centred in trying to know the cognitive processes of a group of students when they were faced to the resolution of classic problems of maximums and minimums, study of cases was chosen for the qualitative investigation in the typology; five students and five voluntary teachers were the informants, the interview to depth served as instrument to gather the information, the theoretical modals that orientated and gave sense to the study were Piaget’s clinical interview, the resolution of Polya’s problems and Feuerstein’s cognitive Modificabilidad. Between the principal findings after triangular the information demonstrated difficulties in aspects as impulsive and not planned conducts, lack or deficiency of spatial and temporary orientation, they do not discriminate between relevant and irrelevant information, to lack comparative conducts prevents from differentiating the importance of a few information opposite to others, they do not organize systematicly the information; therefore they do not establish order, relations and attributes, the situations does not treat as everything and acting-out it prevents them from going beyond his experience perceptual to obtain logical deductions in such a way that they could generate hypothesis, defending and arguing his points of view, this was the constant in the phases of entry, production and exit.
Article Details
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