A trend of modern architecture in Latin America, based on the revolutionary geometry of the church of San Francisco de Asís
Una tendencia de la arquitectura moderna en América Latina, basada en la Geometría revolucionaria de la iglesia de San Francisco de Asís
Main Article Content
This article is derived from research in sacred architecture, under the direction of the mathematics and architecture programs of the UFPS, whose objective, in this case, was to analyze the architecture and geometry of the church of San Francisco de Asís in Brazil as its typological innovation making use of geometry. In this project with the descriptive study, the variables of the architectural design for sacred modern architecture are analyzed, with special emphasis on the particular conditions that make the roof a structure, light, resistant and conducive to generating a spatiality free of supports according to the spatial and aesthetic requirements of the mid-twentieth century. In this analysis, it was observed that, with the use of the catenary arch, it is given the structural, aesthetic and spatial qualities that allow a revolutionary design to be valued.
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