Actitudes hacia las Matemáticas y prácticas docentes: un estudio exploratorio en maestros

Actitudes hacia las Matemáticas y prácticas docentes: un estudio exploratorio en maestros

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Ariadna Gómezescobar Camino
Carmen María León Mantero
Raquel Fernández Cezar
Beliefs and attitudes are part of the affective domain in mathematics education. Within the attitudes, anxiety appears in the literature as the most directly related to achievement and self-concept of competence in mathematics, and behavior determinant. Therefore, this work explores teachers’ beliefs, anxiety and the presence of mathematical processes in the teaching practices, as well as the possible relationships among them. The sample used is of proximity consisting on 109 Primary Education Spanish mathematics teachers who complete an online questionnaire composed by three instruments, and analyze the data quantitatively with the SPSS statistical package. The results show that the teachers exhibit mainly
either euclidean or quasiempirical beliefs towards mathematics, that anxiety towards mathematics is high, and that the most used indicators of mathematical processes in teaching practice is reasoning and proof, followed by problem solving. On the other hand, there is no association between beliefs or anxiety towards mathematics, on the one side, and the five indicators of the presence of mathematical processes in teaching practice on the other. Finally, it is confirmed the association between anxiety and the quasi-empirical belief of mathematics. Limitations on the design of the experiment are identified, and future proposals to improve it are indicated.


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