Relationship of the propioceptive and tactile systems with the emotional development in infants

Relación de los sistemas propioceptivo y táctil con el desarrollo emocional en infantes

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Maria Alexandra Amaya-Mancilla
Ludy Yanneth Peñaranda-Solano
Yurithza Yulieth Ramirez-Rojas
Viviana Karina Hernández-Vergel

This research aimed to analyze information from the proprioceptive and tactile systems with the emotional development of children aged 2 to 3. This was achieved through the characterization of emotional development through the qualitative assessment scale of child development - revised (2 years and 1 day to 3 years), the determination of the tactile and proprioceptive system with the support of Winnie Dunn's sensory profile in order to analyze the sensory information of children from 2 to 3 years old. A quantitative research was carried out with a population of 96 children of both genders. A sample of 84 schoolchildren in the kindergarten grade was obtained by means of convenience sampling. With the application of the instruments of qualitative evaluation of the infantile development and Winnie Dunn's sensorial profile, it is possible to identify that the tactile system, is the first system that has interaction with the environment and with the people who surround it, for that reason it is the main receiver of the socio-affective part as it is the first bond with the mother or father; as also the proprioceptive system is the one in charge of the positioning of joints and muscles, it is the indicator of being abrupt with its pairs, preventing to have an assertive relation with its companions and teachers. It is concluded that socio-affective stimuli at an early age are necessary in children, as well as that early programmed stimulation potentiates optimal emotional development.




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