Factores de riesgo en jóvenes escolarizados asociados al uso de las redes sociales y la internet

Factores de riesgo en jóvenes escolarizados asociados al uso de las redes sociales y la internet

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Oscar Jardey Suárez
Jesús Ernesto Urbina Cárdenas
Lilian Daniela Suarez Riveros

The objective of this article is to reveal the underlying variables to the use of social networks and the Internet, in young students of basic education, from a city school in Colombia. The categories from which adolescent-addiction is studied are: addiction-symptoms, social-use, geek-traits and nomophobia. The methodological approach is quantitative, the instrument used is the Scale of Risk of Addiction-adolescent to Social Networks and the Internet, additionally reliability indices and principal component analysis were used to determine the underlying variables. The research involved 179 young people whose ages are between 12 and 16 years. The overall Cronbach's alpha is 0.867. The underlying variables identified are: Socialization, Friendship with Information and Communication Technologies, Dependent-multipurpose Group Communication, Relevant Addiction Symptoms, Leisure Time in Social Networks and the Internet and use of Social Networks as a Source of Information on Sexuality. The study is not conclusive in determining the existence of addiction to social networks and the Internet, however, some variables to be considered are revealed to anticipate risk factors to be considered in the school environment.



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