Knowledge About Mathematical Ideas About Infinity. The Case Of The Mathematics Educators In Training At The University Of Nariño

El conocimiento a cerca de las ideas matemáticas sobre el infinito. El caso de los educadores matemáticos en formación de la universidad de nariño

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Saulo Mosquera López
Oscar Fernando Soto Agreda
Gustavo Adolfo Marmolejo Avenia

This article discriminates the mathematical ideas that a group of mathematical educators promote through the teaching of infinity. To achieve the above, the model of the specialized knowledge of the mathematics teacher was adapted. A qualitative descriptive approach was assumed; as a population, 50 teaching sequences designed by the same number of mathematics educators were considered, aimed at encouraging the study of infinity in an engineering course. Two categories of analysis were considered to organize the research data: mathematical ideas about infinity and epochs of development of infinity. As a result, it is inferred that Mathematics Educators in Training have a limited domain over this concept since the mathematical ideas used for the development of the teaching sequences were fundamentally referred to intuitive ideas of the same that are located in ancient times and consequently, ideas such as the definition of an infinite set or the correspondence between the actual and potential infinities, of modern and contemporary times were not fully considered.



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