Actividades lúdicas: Estrategia pedagógica para el desarrollo del pensamiento lógico y la obtención de aprendizajes significativos

Actividades lúdicas: Estrategia pedagógica para el desarrollo del pensamiento lógico y la obtención de aprendizajes significativos

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Xiomara Ramirezparis Colmenares
Viviana KArina Hernandez Vergel
Luz Maryori Urquiza-Zapata
Sandra Bibiana Quintero-Quintero

This research determines whether playful activities can be used as a pedagogical strategy to develop logical thinking and meaningful learning in students at the transition, basic primary and basic secondary levels of an official institution in the city of Cúcuta. The research is part of the qualitative approach; It is applied since it proposes strategies to motivate students and improve their academic performance. It began with a literature review to specify the concept of ludic according to the methodological guidelines of conceptual pedagogy and the optimal reader model of the Merani Foundation, to later plan the learning activities and carry out the intervention with the selected students. The results obtained at the transition level show the interest that was aroused by the observation and exploration of the natural environment in a playful and inclusive way with families and the institution, as well as developing attitudes of care, respect and responsibility in the conservation of the environment. In elementary school, an improvement in foreign language learning was observed, both in oral production and in written production. On the other hand, in secondary school, in the case of mathematics, it has not been possible to demonstrate that these recreational activities activated pre-knowledge and strengthened the academic performance of students, although greater interest in participating in academic sessions was observed. It is expected that the results of this research will be the input of the impact of the measures to be implemented within the school to reduce failure rates



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