Evaluation of the Consistency and Factor Structure of an Emotions Towards Mathematics Scale

Evaluación de la consistencia y la estructura factorial de una escala de emociones hacia las Matemáticas

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Cesar Augusto Hernández-Suárez
Raúl Prada-Núñez
Raquel Fernández-Cézar

The present study emphasised the relevance of understanding students' emotions towards mathematics, given the considerable influence these may have on their learning process and performance in mathematics (Author, year). The central purpose of the research was to validate an instrument designed to quantify these emotions, thereby assessing its reliability, internal consistency and factor structure. To achieve this objective, a quantitative methodology was adopted, implementing a descriptive and correlational research design. A sample of 1039 students was randomly selected from educational institutions located in the metropolitan area of Cúcuta, Colombia. The participants, aged between 16 and 18 years, presented an equal gender distribution. Emotions were assessed by means of a 10-item questionnaire, which was developed based on previous research and specifically oriented to measure students' emotions towards mathematics (Autor, year). The reliability of the instrument was examined using Cronbach's alpha coefficient, yielding an acceptable value. The analyses showed the presence of two predominant factors: "Satisfaction towards Mathematics" and "Insecurity towards Mathematics", together explaining 53% of the variance in the data. These factors delineated positive and negative emotions towards mathematics, respectively, and manifested themselves as independent entities, showing low correlation and no statistical significance. In the discussion, the importance of the autonomy of the factors found was stressed, suggesting that positive and negative emotions towards mathematics are not strongly interrelated in the sample examined (Author, year). The complexity of addressing such emotions in a differentiated way in the educational setting was highlighted and the imperative of taking into account the specific cultural and geographical context of Cúcuta in future research was emphasised.



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