La valoración en matemáticas de la educación secundaria a la universitaria, perspectivas docentes

La valoración en matemáticas de la educación secundaria a la universitaria, perspectivas docentes

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Luis Fernando Mariño

Trying to find alternatives to always blame the students about the problems raised by the poor performance in Mathematics when they begin their undergraduate school and they had standard tests performed by the State, we did a field research with a probabilistic sample trying to analyze and contrast the principles guiding a group of teachers in the last two years of public schools and the University Francisco de Paula Santander, we organized the assessment of mathematical knowledge in Cucuta in 2008. The research was guided by the theoretical approaches to Web (1992), who tries to construct a theory for the assessment in Mathematics; the instruments were the questionnaire and the structured survey. Among the main findings can be mentioned: although most teachers agree that Math should be taught as a formal body of knowledge, this is different regarding their views on how students learn Mathematics and the strategies applied in the process of teaching. About organizing principles that guide evaluation activities, teachers consider different possible forms of written test (a project over several days or interview), the role played by teachers when applying tests during analysis and presentation of information must have alternatives to the issuance of a just result is quantitatively or qualitatively, also provide that the valuation should be an ongoing process and not subsequent in the teaching and learning in this area.



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Author Biography (SEE)

Luis Fernando Mariño, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

Docente Departamento de Matemáticas y Estadística UFPS,


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