Mesh-based geometry as the compositional mechanism of Villa Savoye

La geometría basada en la malla como mecanismo compositivo de Villa Savoye

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Yannette Díaz-Umaña
Julio Alfredo Delgado-Rojas
Mawency Vergel-Ortega

This article arises from the teaching practice with the subject of History of modern architecture, linked to the Arquimatso strategy, a research project that integrates mathematics and architecture at the Francisco de Paula Santander University. The investigative product exposed in this article analyzes the geometry based on the mesh as a compositional mechanism of Villa Savoye, a masterpiece of modern architecture. This type of inquiry, in addition to providing a work methodology for the recognition of modern and heritage architecture, contributes to the mental processes that have to do with the generation and understanding of forms, spaces and structures of architecture.



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