The role of educational agents and their impact on the beneficiary households of the association of parent’s community homes invasion la Esperanza de Villa del Rosario.

El rol de las agentes educativas y su incidencia en los hogares beneficiarios de la asociación de padres hogares comunitarios invasión la Esperanza de Villa del rosario.

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Laura Nataly Galvis-Velandia
Angie Yeslid Prada-Tarazona
Maritza Carolina Jaimes-Márquez

Historically, the Colombian Government has formulated public policies aimed at promoting the comprehensive development of children and adolescents and it has established mechanisms to support the care and protection of children whose rights are not guaranteed, that is why it is necessary to point out the relevance of this research for society; that is to say, how it investigates trajectories, educational behaviors and formative contributions, the recognition of the roles and social structure in which community mothers find themselves, where a greater understanding of their responsibility in the comprehensive education of minors has been achieved, located in the hope invasion in the municipality of villa del Rosario.

The results obtained in this research identified the roles played by educational agents in the home at the personal level, the contribution of different community educational projects to pedagogical practices, such as educational practices are carried out in children, the use of new strategies, and the day in the community home and the response given to the different activities proposed, as well as the different strategies that have been developed by children and parents, within roles there is complementarity between roles, when the different roles of a person are incompatible; a conflict between them when the expectations that different people have of the same role are in disagreement; there is ambiguity, when there is no certainty of what a certain role entails (Payne, 1995, p.201).


With regard to the relationship of this theory to the topic of research, account was taken of the actors who play a role in society, as well as the role played by community mothers, as their social transformation has been shaped and assumed, being more relevant their work as caregivers and linked to the members of the beneficiary families, on the other hand, such us was perceived the importance of the educational agents, in their dynamics, as are the relationships and what produces changes that affect minors.



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