Dinámica de vida del Adulto Mayor privado de la libertad en el Establecimiento Penitenciario y Carcelario de San José de Cúcuta

Dinámica de vida del Adulto Mayor privado de la libertad en el Establecimiento Penitenciario y Carcelario de San José de Cúcuta

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Laura Nataly Galvis-Velandia
Maritza Carolina Jaimes-Márquez
Milton Alier Montero-Ferreira

This article reflects the process carried out in the investigation called "Characterization of the dynamics of life
of the Elderly person deprived of liberty in the Penitentiary and Prison Establishment of San José de Cúcuta".
For the execution of the research, quantitative collection techniques were applied, with a descriptive, nonexperimental
approach, in addition the results were analyzed from the perspective of Social Work, in the
same way a look was made of the institutional and the subjective with respect to the occupation of the
inmates' free time, their degree of participation and satisfaction with the activities offered by the institution,
allowing the description of said dynamics. The main objective was to characterize the occupation of free
time of the prison population belonging to patio 9 in which the elderly are focused. Among the results,
it is important to highlight that the population under study actively participates in institutional activities
due to its easy access and coverage, especially the activities corresponding to handicrafts and workshops.
One of the main conclusions refers to the integrality of the actions carried out by the Elderly in the EPC,
understanding that within the activities described in the theoretical framework for the occupation of free time
and in accordance with the results of the research, concludes that inmates in the physical dimension take
walks, in the intellectual dimension they develop reading and in the spiritual dimension they go to mass or
worship according to their religion. Additionally, the meaning of the investigation that is read at the entrance
of the detention center is rescued: "Here the man enters, not the crime"; leaving between seeing the fragility
of the human being in the face of the vicissitudes of life, and thus strengthening the resocialization processes
carried out inside the prison, through the implementation of a wide range of possibilities for the occupation
of free time.



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