Teaching basic geometry to adults with down syndrome in familiar environments: detecting their difficulties during learning process

Enseñanza de geometría básica a personas adultas con síndrome de down en entornos familiares: detectando sus dificultades durante el aprendizaje

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Melody García Moya
Adrián Abril Moya
Raquel Fernández Cézar

People with Down syndrome have difficulties in acquiring knowledge related to geometry, since this requires reasoning and spatial vision. Therefore, the objectives of this study were: (1) to verify if the teaching of geometry through activities with manipulative materials in familiar environments helps adult participants with DS to evolve from one van Hiele level to another, and (2) to know the difficulties that adult participants with DS have when it comes to learning about basic geometry. This is an exploratory and descriptive case study in which three adults participated. In it, the participants carried out individual and group activities in familiar settings using manipulative materials and being guided by questions. In addition, the activities were structured following van Hiele's theoretical construct. The results show that the methodology was effective because all three participants increased their initial knowledge of basic geometry within the same van Hiele level, or evolving to the next, and the learning difficulties that that determined this evolution were detected. The contributions that this research can have for the teachers’ training on the different educational stages are discussed



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