Reliability and validity of the multiple intelligence questionnaire

Confiabilidad y validez del cuestionario de inteligencias múltiples

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Leonardo Fabio Marulanda Londoño
Andrea Johana Aguilar Barreto
Gerson Adriano Rincón Álvarez

This article describes the reliability and validity analysis of the Multiple Intelligences Questionnaire adapted by Walter McKenzie (1999), in search of having a reliable and valid test with which the multiple intelligences of Colombian students can be recognized and determined basic primary and secondary education. A probabilistic sampling was carried out by the multistage conglomerate method, the sample was made up of 573 students from the municipality of Cúcuta enrolled in 2020 and 2021, with ages between 8 and 16 years, with an average of 11,16 years and a deviation standard 1,37 years. Cronbach's alpha coefficient gave 0,828, of the reliability of the total instrument and values from acceptable to high for each of the intelligences. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) ratifies the eight dimensions that make up multiple intelligences theoretically proposed by Garnerd (1983) and adapted by Walter McKenzie (1999). It is concluded that the instrument to assess multiple intelligences evidences from the sample a high degree of reliability and statistical internal consistency. The above conclusion presents the appropriate instrument for the study of multiple intelligences in students in the Colombian context



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