Does The Informational Structure Of The Abstracts Of The Articles On The Study Of Infinity In The Field Of Mathematics Education Review Assertive Information About The Research Carried Out? A Bibliometric Study Of The Publications In Ibero-American Journa

¿La Estructura Informacional Presentes En Los Resúmenes De Artículos Sobre El Estudio Del Infinito En El Campo De La Educación Matemática Reseñan Información Asertiva Sobre La Investigación Realizada? Un Estudio Bibliométrico De Las Publicaciones En Revis

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Gustavo Adolfo Marmolejo Avenia
Yuly Milena Yépez Potosí
Oscar Fernando Soto Agreda

Infinity underlies the study of many of the mathematical objects that are studied in school. However, its consideration as an object of reflection in the classroom is conspicuous by its absence. For this reason, many researchers reflect on infinity. The purpose of this study is to identify in the scientific literature whether the summaries of the articles published in Ibero-American journals specialized in mathematics education are assertive in terms of the way in which they review the information (informational structure) that determines the reported research. As a method, a bibliometric approach was considered. Thus, a total of 68 articles
from 17 Ibero-American journals on Mathematics Education were analyzed, all published between 2010 and 2020. To characterize the informational structure of the abstracts, the 5-tuple was considered (Completeness, Disclosure, Extension, Explicity and Nature), their discrimination was performed inductively. As a main result, it is reported that the summaries analyzed do not usually describe the relevant basic information of the reported research. By way of conclusion, journals are invited to specify in detail the parameters to be considered in an abstract and peer reviewers to ensure their consideration



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