Emerging factors for the understanding of heat and temperature in high school students in a public school in Bogotá Colombia

Factores emergentes para la comprensión de calor y temperatura en jóvenes de educación media en un colegio público en Bogotá Colombia

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Luisa María Jaramillo-Pinto
Audin Aloiso Gamboa-Suárez

The study of the notions of heat and temperature in the teaching of thermodynamics, turn out to be the object of structural study. In the case of the research, the objective is to identify the intrinsic factors in the understanding of heat and temperature, in two groups of young high school students, in a public school in the city of Bogotá-Colombia, using video tutorials and work between peers, as mediation in their study. Theoretically, it is based on active pedagogies, as well as on the notions of heat and temperature accepted in the context of physics. The predominant epistemological approach is quantitative, with two groups and three observations (pre-test, post-test and post-post-test). The instrument used is the Heat and Temperature Conceptual Evaluation (HTCE). The results show that the a priori factors (Heat and temperature, Cooling rate, Calorimetry, Heat transfer rate, Temperature perception, Phase change and Thermal conductivity) there is a greater advance in the understanding of the notions of heat and temperature, of the student body of the group with active pedagogies; however, after the interaction between pairs, the groups increase substantially and statistically significantly, the mean scores. In conclusion, active pedagogies, particularly peer work, articulated with experimental activity and video tutorials, are elements that contribute to understanding the notions of heat and temperature.



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