Analysis of Latin America's performance in relation to educational quality

Análisis de la Gestión que desempeña América Latina en relación con la calidad educativa

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William Rodrigo Avendaño Castro
Johanna Milena Mogrovejo Andrade
Rosana Alejandra Melean Romero

A bibliometric analysis was carried out on the implementation and dissemination of research projects related to the analysis of the management variable in the quality of education in Latin America. The objective of this document is to cover the main aspects of the publications registered in the Scopus database over a period of six years between 2016 and 2021 in Latin American countries, thus identifying 1183 publications in total. The documentation provided by the platform was organised through tables and graphs, which categorised the information by year of publication, country of origin, field of knowledge and type of category. In obtaining this information, a qualitative approach was used to refer to the position of the different authors on the proposed topic. From the above, it is obtained that Brazil is the country that has a large production with 589 publications. In the creation of bibliographic material on educational quality management studies, the field of knowledge medicine contributed the most with 538 publications, and in the aforementioned period, the most used type of publication was in journals, representing 71%.



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