The comprehension of mathematical proof. A review study

La comprensión de las demostraciones matemáticas. Un estudio de revisión

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Cesar Augusto Hernández-Suárez
Raúl Prada-Núñez
David Andree Parada-Carrillo
Laura Daniela Pumarejo-García

In this article a review of the literature related to the comprehension of mathematical proofs in the field of higher education was carried out. For this purpose, the concept of comprehension is taken as a starting point, and then it is linked to that of mathematical proofs through the exploration of researches that have studied it. These articles have been grouped into four categories: research focused on the change in the presentation of content, research focused on the change in the evaluation model, cognitive models that work on the understanding of demonstrations, and studies that have applied the evaluation model in higher education. This analysis shows the need to create lines of research that focus on comprehension in a similar way to other demonstrative activities. 

Keywords: Demonstration, comprehension, comprehension of demonstrations, reading demonstrations, undergraduate mathematics education.



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