Social perceptions of migration in a human settlement in a border zone.

Percepciones sociales sobre migración en un asentamiento humano en zona de frontera

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Maritza Carolina Jaimes Márquez
Laura Nataly Galvis Velandia
Mariam Johana Araque López

This article unfolds under the results of the research entitled Social perceptions about migration in the La Fortaleza neighborhood of the municipality of San José de Cúcuta. Attached to the macro-project of the Faculty of, Education, Arts, and Humanities, of the Francisco de Paula Santander University, entitled "Migration: poverty, development, and psychosocial factors". The objective of which was to analyze the social perceptions about migration in a human settlement in a border area, therefore, it was opportune to examine it from a qualitative paradigm, starting from a phenomenological approach that allowed having a holistic vision of a specific social reality such as Colombian-Venezuelan migration, becoming a topic of great relevance for the study of Social Sciences, likewise, obtaining as a result that social perceptions about migration are exposed to be the population movement from one country to another and the search for opportunities. In addition, that migration is a dominant immunization that immunizes forced coexistence that causes inclusion problems and social stigmas or is a favorable process that allows the increase of social support. Additionally, they perceive migration as family disintegration, social stigmatization, poorly paid work, or unemployment. Finally, the conclusions state that migration generates significant changes in the family, social and cultural nucleus of the individuals who emigrate and the recipients, on the other hand, appropriate measures are needed regarding their duties and rights in the countries who migrate, jointly social education is needed for issues such as social stigmatization or xenophobia.



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