Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022): Julio-Diciembre

Resignificación de la educación en los hogares comunitarios en tiempos de COVID 19

Community Homes Vs Covid 19: A Resignification of Socio-educational Work

Jaimes Márquez Maritza Carolina, Ortiz Gómez Kelly Jhoana , Galvis Velandia Laura Nataly

Article Visits 381 | PDF Visits 284

DOI https://doi.org/10.22463/25909215.3470

12-17 |

Teacher and difference: among experiences, ruptures, and encounters

Maestro y diferencia: entre experiencias, rupturas y encuentros

Patiño Cuervo Oliva , Mariño Liliana Andrea , Patiño Cuervo Daniela

Article Visits 241 | PDF Visits 107

DOI https://doi.org/10.22463/25909215.3732

18-25 |

Parenting practices in early childhood as technologies of power in family and educational contexts.

Prácticas parentales en infancia: tecnologías de poder, familia y educación

García Botero Leonardo , Alvarez Maestre Annie Julieth, Pérez Fuentes Carlos Alfredo , Aguilar Barreto Andrea Johana

Article Visits 286 | PDF Visits 268

DOI https://doi.org/10.22463/25909215.3582

26-37 |

Cognitive skills during the reading of multimodal digital texts in the rural school

Las habilidades cognitivas durante la lectura de textos multimodales digitales en la escuela rural

Calle Álvarez Gerzon Yair , Echavarría Patiño Isabel Cristina

Article Visits 398 | PDF Visits 396

DOI https://doi.org/10.22463/25909215.3580

38-48 |

Evaluation of the quality in the provision of the service of the School Feeding Program of the Educational Institution Nuestra Señora de Las Mercedes-Sardinata (Norte De Santander)

Evaluación de la calidad en la prestación del servicio del Programa de Alimentación Escolar de la Institución Educativa Nuestra Señora de Las Mercedes-Sardinata (Norte De Santander)

Velásquez Camargo Ruth Milena , Cardona A Diego A. , Luna Pereira Henry Orlando

Article Visits 551 | PDF Visits 231

DOI https://doi.org/10.22463/25909215.3584

88-108 |

Technological infrastructure in three public educational institutions in Colombia

Infraestructura tecnológica en tres instituciones educativas públicas en Colombia

Herrera Pérez Jhan Carlos , Romero Palomino Erixon Esneider Romero Palomino, Ochoa Londoño Efraín Darío

Article Visits 1464 | PDF Visits 361

DOI https://doi.org/10.22463/25909215.3643

Acompañamiento pastoral para la reducción de riesgos psicosociales en la adolescencia

Pastoral accompaniment for the reduction of psychosocial risks in adolescence

Restrepo Segura Yusty Carolina , Arroyave Taborda Leisy Magdali

Article Visits 247 | PDF Visits 126

DOI https://doi.org/10.22463/25909215.3733

Progressive return to on-site classes in post-pandemic times: the case of a Bachelor's program in Modern Languages at a Colombian Public University

Regreso progresivo a la presencialidad en tiempos de post-pandemia: el caso de un programa de Licenciatura en Lenguas Modernas de una Universidad Pública Colombiana

García Botero Jacqueline , Vela Saavedra Jonathan , Sarmiento Giraldo Jairo Andrés

Article Visits 246 | PDF Visits 116

DOI https://doi.org/10.22463/25909215.3734

75-82 |

Contexto de la educación financiera en las fuerzas armadas de Colombia

Context of financial education in the armed forces of Colombia

Cipagauta Diaz Miguel Antonio , Gutiérrez Otálvaro Fernando Albeiro , Sacristán Carillo Edwin Estiven

Article Visits 159 | PDF Visits 129

DOI https://doi.org/10.22463/25909215.3806

83-87 |

Teaching basic geometry to adults with down syndrome in familiar environments: detecting their difficulties during learning process

Enseñanza de geometría básica a personas adultas con síndrome de down en entornos familiares: detectando sus dificultades durante el aprendizaje

García Moya Melody , Abril Moya Adrián , Fernández Cézar Raquel

Article Visits 179 | PDF Visits 140

DOI https://doi.org/10.22463/25909215.3849

109-123 |

Analysis of educational policies in the training of the student population in the financial system

Análisis de las políticas educativas en la formación de la población estudiantil en el sistema financiero

Herrera Rubio Jorge Enrique

Article Visits 137 | PDF Visits 140

DOI https://doi.org/10.22463/25909215.3877

122-133 |

Strategies and experiences of the training process for women creators of productive initiatives

Strategies and experiences of the training process for women creators of produc- tive initiatives.

Diaz Leal Nelly Rosana

Article Visits 155 | PDF Visits 126

DOI https://doi.org/10.22463/25909215.3878

137-145 |

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